Mujerave's Goals for 2016
1) Build 10 Greenhouses
A 5 x 12 meter greenhouse can hold approximately 200 tomato plants. With proper care, each plant should yield an average of thirteen pounds of tomatoes per harvest. With three harvests per year, a greenhouse could yield approximately $4,108 USD per year for our project beneficiaries. This is nearly $1,000 more than the average annual minimum wage in Guatemala for agriculture workers. Not only will the production of tomatoes diversify a family's diet and reduce childhood malnutrition, the sale of tomatoes (with the proceeds controlled by women) will also increase the budget for children's school and healthcare costs.
2) Build 60 StovesIn Mujerave's sites, nearly 100% of families use wood as their fuel source to cook meals. For poorer families, this means they are cooking over an open fire inside the home, creating toxic levels of indoor air pollution. Furthermore, the inefficiency of open fire stoves contributes significantly to deforestation in Guatemala. An efficient wood-burning stove will significantly improve family health and well-being.
3) Improve Three SchoolsMujerave seeks to install hand-washing stations and bathrooms at local schools. These schools do not have bathrooms of any kind or running water taps where students can wash their hands prior to eating. Combined with educational workshops to promote healthy habits, the installation of health-related infrastructure greatly reduces the risk of childhood diarrhea and other illnesses in Totonicapán. Infections like those that cause diarrhea and poor diets are the primary drivers of malnutrition in Guatemala.
4) Hire two staff persons
Mujerave is currently an all-volunteer organization and will remain so through the first six months of 2016. However, in order to maximize our impact in the communities that we work in, Mujerave aims to hire two staff persons in 2016.
Mujerave's Financial Goal
To accomplish these project goals, Mujerave seeks to raise $35,000 USD. Donate now to support Mujerave's goals. When we work together, we empower women and improve communities.